Abalon Commercial Pest Control & Extermination

Serving New York, Westchester and the Greater Tri-State Areas
Call Abalon And Eliminate Your Commercial Pest Problem Today.


Power Cleaning is important for pest control companies and follows IPM (Integrated Pest Management) guides to help keep you clean and bug free.

* Kitchens, pantries, prep rooms, stove lines, drains, dumpsters, loading docks and elevator pits.

* Odor and Bacteria sanitizing

* Also available: Sidewalk and facade cleaning

Abalon cleaning specialists will execute a complete pre-treatment steam clean-out of your entire premises--walls, floors, drains, counters, kitchens, compactor rooms, dumpsters, sidewalks -- everything to ensure proper sanitation including the elimination of flies and initiate practives that deter any future breeding and infestation.

Call today to hear more about our programs to fit your specific needs.